Students must meet certain academic requirements for eligibility in Canty’s extracurricular activities, which include all sports teams, Student Council, and Chorus. Students must not have F’s in any subject to remain on a team or club. Individual assessment of student conduct and behavior will also affect eligibility. Classroom teachers will evaluate student progress at the end of each quarter and at the end of each five week period. Students determined to be ineligible will be removed from the activity until the next five week progress report. Ineligible students may not attend practice sessions nor participate in extra-curricular events. If a student is determined to be ineligible then each coach/program leader determines the term of their non-participation. In some cases they may be removed permanently from a sport or program. School attendance is also important and is taken into consideration. At no time can a student participate in an afterschool activity or program if they were absent during that same regular school day.